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Aspects of Massage Therapy Your Therapist Wants You To Know

People all around the world who have experienced proper massage therapy are well aware of its multiple benefits. Routine massage sessions can do wonders for an individual's body, mind and soul. It enhances tissue regeneration, improves the flow of blood, relieves anxiety and also alleviates sleeping issues. There are plenty of applications that are yet to be discovered through Massage Therapy in Pascoe valeAlthough the benefits of massage are known widely across the world, there are still those who are yet to experience their first massage session and are unaware of the aspects involved. Usually, newcomers are given a refresher on what happens during a massage session.

Some of those details are explained in brief in this blog :

It is okay to be naked in front of trained experts:

Clothes are meant to conceal the body's modesty but in a massage session, wearing clothes defeats the purpose. A massage therapist is a professional who applies controlled amounts of pressure in specific areas of the human body to relieve pain. However, staying covered or wearing tight undergarments would restrict the therapist's ability to provide maximum relief during the session. Then again it is completely fine to be naked during a therapy session. Professional massage therapists are trained to keep the body covered in a towel, removing it strategically in the areas where the massage is being applied.


Breathing can help boost the effects of the massage :

Breathing is in itself a natural stress reliever. During a massage session, when the therapist is working on a particularly difficult knot, the patient may find themselves tensing up and holding their breath. According to the experts, this should be avoided as holding your breath would only increase the strain on the muscles. Instead, breathe as much as possible to oxygenate the blood when it flows through tissue, relieving pain.


It is important to stay hydrated after the massage :

Muscles tend to get dehydrated after doing a lot of physical work, for example jogging or working out. It is essential to rehydrate the muscles as much as possible after a physical workout session as it aids in building healthy muscle tissue, removal of metabolic waste and also in replenishing the individual overall. The same is applicable after a massage session as the muscles experience a similar level of dehydration. Hence, it is important to drink plenty of water after each massage.


Take a warm shower before attending the session :

The best approach in prepping for a massage session would be taking a long, hot shower. The warm temperature of the water helps relax the tensed-up muscles, making it easier for the therapist to do their magic. A good shower would also help the individual feel refreshed and ready for the session. Getting all cleaned up before receiving massage therapy can mitigate any body insecurities in a person as well.


Workout before the massage - Not After :

If the daily workout at the gym is clashing with an appointment with the massage therapist, make sure to schedule the appointment after the gym and not before. Post-workout, the muscles are all stressed and worn out, but they have been perfectly warmed up for a massage session. However, working out after a massage can be counterproductive, as it would put the muscles back in a stressed position right after a relaxing massage. This procures the risk of further injury, eventually making the person feel all burned out. Muscles require some time to recover from all the micro-tears that take place after an intense workout.

It is okay to prefer a specific massage technique:

Your body is your own, and all massage techniques are intended at helping you alleviate pain from it so that the body can feel stress-free. However, it is completely normal to prefer any specific massage technique or therapist. By using the technique which the patient prefers, it helps them in becoming more comfortable during the session making it easier for the therapist to do their job. Therefore, do not hesitate to let the receptionist at the massage clinic know of your preferences before commencing the session.


Closing Thoughts :

Other than the tips mentioned in this blog, what must be ensured above all is finding the right kind of Relaxation Massage clinic in Pascoe vale that offers the perfect combination of massage services that complements the individual's needs. Although, there are a variety of massage techniques available today, trying just one right technique can be far more rewarding than trying all of them.
